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Light Therapy: Is it for Me?


Updated: Nov 12, 2024

Now that you know how light therapy works, you may be wondering if light therapy is safe and effective for YOU. You with your history of skin cancer, or you the breastfeeding mom, or you the 90-year-old with a pace-maker. The short answer is that Firefly Light Therapy is very gentle, and beneficial for almost everyone. From young children to great grandpas, it facilitates healing, reduces inflammation, and kills pathogens. 

Who is Light Therapy for?

Like we said, light therapy is for almost everyone. But let's get a little more specific! Light therapy is for you if… 

women sitting at desk
  • You want to get to the root cause of your symptoms. Light therapy doesn’t just make you feel better…it actually makes you better. Because light therapy address inflammation, which is at the root of many symptoms, AND because we scan your body for pathogens before treating, we truly address the underlying problems. 

  • You  don’t want to deal with the side effects of medications. Light therapy doesn’t fill your body with toxins like many pills do, nor does it cause other health issues and long-term side effects. Though some people may experience a short detoxing reaction from light therapy, the only lasting side effects are a better immune system and less inflammation!

  • You can't seem to get well. Because light therapy can pinpoint and target the root cause while boosting your general health and immune system, we have seen many break throughs for people facing chronic illness. Decades dealing with Lyme disease, gone. Years of unexplained fatigue and mental health disorders, vanished. Often people who come to us have tried many other forms of healing before, and find light therapy to be a major piece of the puzzle in their healing journey.

Conditions light therapy can support include…

  • Any kind of pain/inflammation. That means carpal tunnel, low back pain, arthritis, and plantar fasciitis.

  • Injuries. Cuts, broken bones, sprained ankles…all will heal faster and be less painful with the support of light therapy. 

  • Autoimmune Diseases. Hoshimoto's, MS, Psoriasis, Lupus, and much more. 

  • Gut Issues. Bloated? Constipated? Food sensitivities? Light therapy addresses gut issues too.

  • Pathogens. Lyme disease, toxic mold, Salmonella, Epstein-Barr virus (mono), parasites, and many other pathogens can be addressed through light therapy.

  • Neurocognitive Symptoms. Brain fog, traumatic brain injuries, dementia, loosing balance, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, Cerebral Palsy, autism, and anything else brain-related.

  • Mystery Diseases. If you’ve been sick for a while, and no one knows why, light therapy may be the answer. The F-scan can help us find any pathogens causing your symptoms. Furthermore, light therapy reduces inflammation, which is at the root of most symptoms of diseases. It also improves your immune system and gives energy to your mitochondria…all of which will help your body heal from whatever is causing you trouble. 

Special Considerations

So YES, light therapy IS for you! If your response is "Sure, but what if I'm ____"(fill in the blank) then read on! We're about to discuss at-risk populations and special considerations.

Young Children and Babies

baby laying on back

Is light therapy safe and effective for young children? YES! And, because they are so receptive to light, children need only about half the time for a session, and newborns only need a few seconds. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you want to address pathogens, children must be old enough to hold a rod for two minutes so that we can scan their body for the pathogens. Because of this, we recommend waiting until around three years old for pathogen oblation light therapy. Outside of pathogen oblation though, light therapy can begin as soon as a child is born. It reduces pain and inflammation, strengthens the immune system, accelerates healing, and promotes brain health…everything a little body needs!

Senior Citizens

Is light therapy safe and beneficial for senior citizens? YES! In fact, not only is light therapy safe for you, you may see some of the greatest results! It can reverse neurocognitive decline, reduce pain and inflammation, and increase the immune system, allowing some seniors to avoid medications that could cause further symptoms and complications. And, because the therapy uses only light, it is safe to use with pacemakers and other medical devices that may keep you from other therapies and treatments. 

pregnant woman picking berries

Pregnant Women

Is light therapy safe while pregnant? YES! It’s a great way to reduce the aches and pains of pregnancy, without having to turn to medications. That being said, we do have a couple additional protocols in place when treating pregnant women. The first is that we do not treat over a pregnant uterus, since there have not yet been enough studies to determine its safety. We also do not perform the pathogen ablation treatments during pregnancy due to the possibility of toxins reaching the fetus when pathogens die off. 

Nursing Mothers

Is light therapy safe while breastfeeding? YES! If you have a sore neck and shoulders from hunching over your baby, this is a great way to help with pain and inflammation. However, just like during pregnancy, we do need to be mindful of the detox process that occurs when killing pathogens. Toxins and cytokines can pass through your milk to your baby, and it is still unclear what effect this may have. Because of this, we encourage people to wait on pathogen ablation until after weaning their baby. If you are nursing mother and are interested in pathogen ablation while breastfeeding, we are happy to discuss options with you, such as pumping and dumping your breastmilk.  

Fair Skin and Sunlight Sensitivity

Is light therapy is safe for fair-skinned individuals? YES! We’ve had questions from several people asking if those who are prone to sunburn and skin cancer should avoid light therapy. That is not the case at all. There is no UV light emitted, plus we are always moving the wand around during the ten minute session, so the light is not concentrated in one spot. If, however, you are taking meds that cause you to be more sensitive to sunlight, we may start with a shorter session just to make sure your body responds well.

People Who Have Trouble Detoxing

One of our only NO’s to light therapy is an unexpected one. If you show signs of having difficulty with detoxing, you may want work on opening your detoxification pathways first, start with shorter sessions, and/or give your body extra detoxing support. Because light therapy triggers a detox response, your body needs to be able to do this well or you may feel unwanted detoxing symptoms. Additionally, when targeting mold or parasites, toxins can recycle back into your body if you’re not able to bind them and shuttle them out efficiently. Signs that your body may have trouble detoxing include not having regular bowel movements and being unable to sweat.

Special Health Conditions

Other than having difficulty with detoxing, there are no health conditions that that should prevent people from using light therapy. Here are a few conditions that we do treat with extra care. 

man getting blood pressure taken

  • If you have cancer, we do not treat directly over cancer cells. There has not been enough studies done on the effect of light therapy on tumors. We do know, however, that light therapy improves mytochondrial function and immune response, so utilizing light therapy in other areas of your body can be a great way to support your body while fighting cancer. 

  • We also do not treat directly over infections, as once again there have not been enough studies to verify its safety

  • If you are on blood thinners or have very low blood pressure, we may tread more carefully and start with a shorter session time.

  • If you have fibromyalgia or CRPS you may be more sensitive to therapies in general, and may experience more kickback in your body. Because of this, we reduce the time of sessions by about half, and slowly work our way up to longer sessions if your body is handling it well. This is not because the light therapy is harming your body, rather because your body tends to overreact to even good input. We want to listen to your body and give it only what it can handle. 

  • Similarly, if you have chronic illness and have had extreme reactions to other forms of treatment or therapies, we may also want to start more slowly to see how your body responds. Sometimes people with chronic illness have gotten stuck in “fight-or-flight” mode and respond to even good inputs as a danger. Because of that, nervous system healing may be required before light therapy or other forms of healing. 

If you still have questions about whether light therapy is a good fit for you, we'd love to chat. Schedule a free discovery call at one of our locations.

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