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Firefly Light Therapy: How it works


Updated: Nov 12, 2024

You’ve heard us sing the praise of Firefly Light Therapy, and maybe you’re excited, or curious, or even a little skeptical. How could shining light on your body help heal diseases, reduce pain, and improve neurocognitive function? It sounds a little like something out of StarTrek. Take a moment to join us as we dive into the science behind how light therapy works, and how it could help you find optimal health.

The Magic of Wavelengths

To start with, we have to look at the light that the Firefly uses. There are eight wavelengths in three different spectrums. Though all of them stimulate the healing process on a cellular level, each has a special use and penetration depth that can target various issues.

Woman in white lab coat and goggles putting light therapy wand on woman lying down

  1. Blue Light. Light in this spectrum works well on the surface of your skin. It’s great for stimulating lymph flow and healing burns and cuts.

  2. Red Light. This type of light can go a little further into the body, about a centimeter (⅜ in) in depth. It is also absorbed by the blood. This makes it perfect for myofacial issues and treating injuries and inflammation. 

  3. Near Infrared Light. This type of light penetrates deep into the body - up to 8 inches! This makes it the ideal healing agent for internal organs and soft tissue. It can even penetrate the skull to help regenerate and heal the brain.

Fun Fact: Firefly light therapy is the only type of light therapy that uses all eight wavelengths of light!

How Light Heals

Ok, so once the light gets to those areas of your body, what exactly happens?

First, it increases circulation. This occurs because the photons release nitric oxide, which is responsible for dilating small blood vessels and lymph. When these are opened further, more blood and lymph can flow, increasing your body’s circulation.

So what's the big deal about increased circulation? 

  • It strengthens the immune system. When circulation is increased, more nutrients can get to white blood cells, and the white blood cells are able to move through your body more quickly. This equates to a stronger, more active immune system, allowing you to get rid of pathogens, viruses, and bacteria from your body, or prevent them from ever taking hold.

  • It increases detoxification. Activating your lymph and increasing blood flow means your body can naturally detoxify more easily. This allows your body to get rid of toxins and pathogens that are slowing it down. It also stops the cycle of inflammation so common in many chronic diseases.

  • It accelerates healing. Increased circulation brings more oxygen and nutrients to the wound area. Additionally, light therapy supports collagen production and Fibrin (for helping wounds clot)

Thermography photos of hands. Photo on left shows mostly red, photo on right mostly green.
Pre and post Firefly Therapy for a severe wrist injury, showing decreased inflammation.

In addition to increased circulation, another huge benefit of Light Therapy works is is that it creates more ATP, which is the energy current of our bodies.

ATP is essential for cellular health and is used for muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, chemical synthesis, and more! So basically, light therapy strengthens and increases the energy source of your body.

How? Photons (those little packets of light!) stimulate an enzyme called cytochrome-c oxidase. This enzyme is an essential part of the electron transport chain inside the mitochondria. When cytochrome-c oxidase is increased, it results in increased levels of ATP. If you’ve ever heard that you should support your mitochondrial health, light therapy is an amazing way to do it. 

Beyond increasing circulation and production of ATP, we’ve found that light therapy also:

  • Increases RNA and DNA Synthesis (important for fighting viruses!)

  • Stimulates Fibroblastic & Osteoblast Activity (cells that produce and heal bones and joints!)

  • Increases Phagocytosis (the process where cells clean up unwanted substances in the body)

  • Reduces the excitability of nervous tissue

That's a lot of awesome stuff!

Pathogen Ablation

Now, there’s one more part of the Firefly that requires another science lesson: Its ability to kill pathogens. Light therapy is able to destroy bacteria, viruses, mold, and parasites by emitting specific frequencies of light. To explain this, let’s recall a scenario we’ve often heard in science classes. An opera singer sings at just the right pitch and a glass shatters. No one touched it. Nothing knocked it over. Nothing happens when she sings different notes. But the exact frequency of that note makes it vibrate and shatter

Just like that glass, every pathogen has a specific vibration that will make it “shatter.” Some pretty smart scientists have figured out what that exact frequency is for hundreds of pathogens! When we address a specific pathogen, we use the frequency of light that will make it “shatter.” This leaves all the other cells healthy and intact, while targeting the "bad guys". (If you want to see some cells shatter under a microscope, and learn more about shattering cells with frequencies, check out this awesome video!) 

The F-Scan

So, how do we know which pathogens are inside you? Well, just like every pathogen has a frequency that destroys it, it also has a frequency that it emits. (Sounds weird, but there’s a ton of science backing this up!) The F-scan will check your body for the frequencies of hundreds of pathogens in a matter of minutes, and if there’s a match, it will show up on your practitioner’s computer.  This means light therapy can be used to address illnesses like Lyme Disease, toxic mold, Mono, salmonella, and even the common cold! And the cool thing is that while you’re treating pathogens, you’re getting the “side effects” of a boosted immune system, less inflammation, more ATP production, and lots more! 

So no, it’s not a crazy Star Trek machine…it’s just a lot of mind-blowing science discovered by brilliant people. We feel so blessed to be able to bring this technology to YOU! We love how it truly supports you from the cellular level giving your body everything it needs to heal.

If you’re interested in exploring whether light therapy is a good fit for you, we’d love to chat! Schedule a free discovery call now.

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